Wings and ForkLog Announce a Contest for Best DAO Concept

News and Analysis

ForkLog and Wings, a DAO creation platform, are launching a special project on decentralized autonomous organizations. Our aim is to explain in plain terms what a DAO is, to review some examples of existing DAO’s, and to highlight the potential of decentralized organizations.

The project will also include a contest for the best idea for a DAO. ForkLog readers will choose three winners in an anonymous vote.

Everyone is welcome to participate. The three winners will have their prizes in Wings tokens, with overall prize fund being 1 BTC.

In order to apply for the contest, please explicitly formulate the idea for your DAO and fill in the form (available in Russian only). The applications are receivable from November 15th to December 14th. The voting will take place from December 16th to 23rd. The winners will be announced on December 25th.

Good luck!

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