Ukrainian Stock Exchange to Launch Bitcoin Futures Trading

News and Analysis

Ukrainian Exchange JSC has announced imminent launch of Bitcoin futures trading, starting from Monday, December 19.

According to the Ukrainian Exchange JSC statement, this trading in futures for BTC index is now possible after the registration of futures contract specifications and amendments to the Regulations of Ukrainian Exchange JSC.

The index will be calculated by basing on the trades at the leading cryptocurrency exchanges.

“The uniqueness of the situation is the fact that Ukrainian Exchange has become the world’s first regulated market to offer futures contracts for bitcoin. Considering the strong interest for the cryptocurrency in Ukraine, and, on the other hand, the fact that the existing legal terrain seriously restricts the Ukrainians’ opportunities in accessing financial tools of developed markets, we could have a synergetic effect. I’m sure it will draw attention of international players eventually,” says Alexey Sukhorukov, the managing director of investment group UNIVER.

The exchange’s representatives believe the new tools will expand the options for market players, attract new ones, and can be used in various investment strategies.

As Forklog reported earlier, demand for the Bitcoin in Ukraine has increased almost five times as compared to 2015.

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