#The DAO

Ethereum Soft Fork Under Threat of DDoS Attacks

The situation around the attempts to bring back the lost assets of The DAO is gradually gaining farcical shades. This time, the soft fork proposed by Ethereum developers may never occur because yet another vulnerability has been discovered. The soft fork in question is aimed at blocking target DAO address, so that the organization will […]

The DAO: What Dreams May Come

It hasn’t been a while since the recursive call and leakage of three million ETH from the DAO, but the events continue making their turns.

Ethereum Soft Fork Voting Commences

Several major Ethereum mining pools, namely, Dwarfpool, Ethpool and Ethremine, have launched a voting system enabling miners to express their views on The DAO’s soft fork.

The Robin Hood Team: The DAO’s Assets May Return Without a Hardfork

A joint team of Ethereum Project, Slock.it and some anonymous developers which calls itself the Robin Hood team intends to bring back the ethers stolen from the DAO without hard-forking Ethereum.

The Counter-Attack on The DAO Quickly Drains Its Funds

A white hat attack on The DAO led by Alex Van de Sande of the Ethereum Foundation has been launched to protect its funds.

Cryptospace News Digest, June 12 – 19

The DAO drama, panic at exchanges, bitcoin’s future and a bit of blockchain for the future — all the week’s events in ForkLog’s traditional overview.

Recursive Call: The DAO on the Brink of Death and Ethereum To Be Hardforked

Ethereum Foundation headed by Vitalik Buterin opted to save the DAO funds for investors. However, the latter will only have an option of withdrawing funds. The DAO, as it may seem, is no more.

The DAO Under Attack: $50 Million Stolen

Today, the world’s first decentralized venture fund The DAO has been attacked. Unknown hackers keep on withdrawing ETH tokens from the fund. Overall amount of stolen assets comprises around $50 million at the time of writing. ETH and DAO exchange rate has dropped almost immediately across all cryptocurrency exchanges. 1 ETH is worth 0.02 BTC […]

The DAO Eliminates Vulnerability That Allowed Endless Withdrawals from Some Accounts

A vulnerability in the implementation of Ethereum protocol by some developers has resulted in a need for fixing the DAO. The first decentralized venture foundation owns around $165 million accumulated during the recently closed crowdsale campaign.

Halving and Yuan Deprecation: Why Bitcoin Price Grows

Over the course of these two weeks, bitcoin has broken several records having surpassed the $500, $600 and $700 marks in a sequence. ForkLog talked with cryptocurrency trading expert Kir Kelevra to find out the reasons for the upsurge and the perspectives it might provide to traders.

Slock.it Co-Founder: The DAO Will Give Birth To the Companies That Otherwise Wouldn’t Have Existed

May 28, the crowdsale of The DAO, an ambitious project for decentralized trust management on the blockchain of Ethereum, has closed.
