On June 18th, Russia’s internet and media watchdog Roskomnadzor posted a short notice saying that Telegram messenger is no longer subject to blocking in the Russian Federation. The ban that lasted for two years and has been lifted because the messenger executives agreed to cooperate with the authorities in fighting terrorism and extremism.
Why neo-nazis love Bitcoin? Two years ago, this question was raised and promptly answered by The Guardian. In the atmosphere where right-wing or religious extremist groups were largely de-platformed, defunded, and shunned by both businesses and the public, it all boiled down to a single realization.
According to Gallup, in 2018, about two-thirds of people worldwide had confidence in their local police. Given the law enforcement response to the protests in the U.S., this number will probably be quite different in subsequent reports. But batons, rubber bullets, and tear gas aren’t the only tools for the job.
In the 21st century, the internet has rapidly abandoned its role as a new means of communication. The 2010s saw it transform from a global village where everyone can offend someone else’s mom with no consequences into a military domain, similar to land, sea, air, and space. Unseen to many, the digital war between the […]
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has called on the European Commission (EC) to boost the development and implementation of a framework for the regulation of online platforms to promote Western sets of values and leave the Chinese model behind.
Like any other high-power computing hardware, Proof-of-Work mining rigs turn lots of electricity into lots of heat, which makes this business very sensitive to geographic location. Large mining farms and data centers tend to congregate around the cheapest electricity providers available, preferably somewhere colder.
Russian-born entrepreneur and programmer Pavel Durov, who is most famous for the creation of the encrypted chat app Telegram, has been under scrutiny of the United States financial regulators since 2019. That year, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) turned its attention to Telegram and its wholly-owned subsidiary, TON Issuer.
TON developers, major PoS validators, and community enthusiasts have announced the launch of Free TON powered by the native token TON Crystal in a declaration.
This March, the so-called EARN IT Act (Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect for Interactive Technologies Act) was filed in U.S. Senate. Aside from the fact that someone really wanted its acronym to spell “earn it,” nothing about the bill is clear so far.
Content is the main product of consumption and the chief breadwinner for Web’s denizens. As user-generated content is steadily rising to the top of the food chain, the new Web will have to provide fair and lucrative platforms for millions of independent content creators to thrive in.
On April 3rd, 2020, class-action suits against four major crypto-exchanges and seven ICO projects were filed. The lawsuits allege that the defendants have violated U.S. securities laws.
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) issued a report on the level of compliance with its recommendations in the U.S. It turned out, the country isn’t following the crypto-related recommendations exactly to the letter.