Self-proclaimed Republic of Liberland is negotiating possible transfer of the governance system to blockchain platform eGaaS (Electronic Government as a Service).
International laws have been featuring a term dubbed ‘terra nullius’ for hundreds of years. Even with the minimal level of Latin acquisition one is totally capable of understanding what it means: nobody’s land. Back in colonial times, the term was as popular as YouTube nowadays. There was no better thing in the world for conquerors […]
Bitnation, decentralized platform for virtual nations and provision of traditional public services to its citizens regardless of their place of residence, has announced its partnership with self-proclaimed micronation Liberland.
In between Serbia and Croatia, on an area of about 6, a brand new country named Free Republic of Liberland (Svobodn republika Liberland) has emerged. The new state will adopt Bitcoin, or another Bitcoin-based currency, as its national currency.