#Evan Duffield

Evan Duffield about Dash Evolution, Crippled ICO, and Lack of Competitors

There are quite a number of people in the cryptocommunity eagerly anticipating the upcoming Dash Evolution, the new phase of Dash. However, even Dash’s lead developer, Evan Duffield, seems to be unaware of when it’s going to happen.

ASIC Mining Makes It to Dash

Two China-based manufacturers, DualMiner and Pinidea, announced they had developed first ASIC chips for mining of Dash. The ASICs generate enormous hash rate, so the network becomes less attack-prone.

Dash Lead Developer Believes Users Will Have to Seek a Bitcoin Alternative

Mastermind and lead developer of Dash, Evan Duffield, was among the participants of Satoshi Rountable discussing current problems bitcoin industry faces. Following the event, Evan stated that Dash, as opposed to Bitcoin, has no scalability problem.

Dash is Determined to Supersede Bitcoin as a Real PayPal Alternative

Last week, Dash, previously known as Darkcoin, celebrated two years in existence. The project’s community celebrated the anniversary by voting aye on increasing Dash’s block size from 1 MB to 2 MB. Even though the developers never insisted on this kind of solution, 99% of voters agreed with the proposal. Notably, the voting process took […]
