To the Coup and Back: Story Behind Steemit Community’s Failed Revolt

Tron Foundation led by the industry celebrity Justin Sun has recently acquired Steemit, one of the oldest and most popular blockchain-based social media platforms.

Digix Co-founder Shaun Djie: Having DigixDAO Continue to Exist Would Be Good But It’s No Longer Possible

Digix, the project behind the first gold-backed stablecoin, stood at the inception of the modern asset-backed token model. Being one of the older and most successful projects within the Ethereum ecosystem, it was also one of the precious few that managed to build and maintain a robust DAO infrastructure. Which is, as of recently, a […]

Wings and ForkLog Announce a Contest for Best DAO Concept

ForkLog and Wings, a DAO creation platform, are launching a special project on decentralized autonomous organizations. Our aim is to explain in plain terms what a DAO is, to review some examples of existing DAO’s, and to highlight the potential of decentralized organizations.

Wings Team Offers a Standard for Safe DAO’s

The team of WINGS, a platform for creation of DAO’s, has published a kind of a proposal of a standard for creating safe DAO’s.

The Elements of DAO in Dash

Editor’s note: It looks like The DAO is no longer with us. However, the future development of decentralized communities may again lead to a creation of new blockchain-based DAOs. In the article below the author shows the existing mechanisms for decentralized management in yet another popular blockchain-project called Dash.

DAO Creation Learning Center To Be Launched in Russia

The development team of Airalab is launching a Learning Center in Russia. The main aims of this Center will be the researching of different types of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and finding the most viable of them.

Slock.it Co-Founder: The DAO Will Give Birth To the Companies That Otherwise Wouldn’t Have Existed

May 28, the crowdsale of The DAO, an ambitious project for decentralized trust management on the blockchain of Ethereum, has closed.

Crypti and Chainlab to Launch a Platform for Creation of DAO

A few days ago, when Tel Aviv-based blockchain startup Chainlab has announced it raised investment from Bitmain Technology, the DAO platform Wings first hit the news. Back then, Bitmain co-founder Jihan Wu said: “Bitmain invested because we see a great team and we look forward to seeing Wings grows into a successful platform for launching […]

Investment in Slock.it’s DAO have exceeded $13.6 million. Ethereum price has gained nearly 25%.

This weekend, Germany-based blockchain company Slock.it has announced it successfully launched DAO via its decentralized trust fund. Current price of the DAO’s 100 tokens 1 ETH. “A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a digital company with its by-laws set immutably within the Blockchain: its governance is transparent, its finances can be audited by anyone, […]

First Decentralized Exchange Launched in Beta: Interview with Bitsquare Founder

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange Bitsquare has finally launched in Beta on April 27. The exchange was presented to local Bitcoin community at Fab Lab event in Barcelona by project founder Manfred Karrer. The event is the “starting point of a 6 weeks tour through European cities to present Bitsquare at local Meetups and conferences.”

The DAO in-depth: Interview with Stephan Tual, Slock.it CTO

The Ethereum company Slock.it prepares to launch a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) as a new type of corporate funding and management. The Germany-based company develops Ethereum-based software for smart locks, dubbed “slocks”, thus connecting shareable items and the Internet of Things to blockchain ecosystem. In an interview to ForkLog (FL) Stephan Tual, Co-founder and CTO […]

Russian Developers Create a Platform for Management of Decentralized Autonomous Companies

Bitfork Develop developers have presented their new Ethereum-based project dubbed AIRA DAO. AIRA manages a decentralized autonomous company by adding agents, creating contracts and values, and, generally, automatizing business processes of a company.
