#Blockchain Engine

EmerLabs: Cryptocurrency Market Is Now Controlled by Speculators

June 29, Emercoin and Microsoft Azure have announced that Emercoin Blockchain Engine is added to Azure Marketplace. The app will enable developers to use Emer blockchain system within Microsoft Azure environment. ForkLog asked Stanislav Polozov, director for implementation at Emerlabs, as to how the platform currently works, its capabilities and general state of affairs in […]

Russian Watches Manufacturer and National Post Service to Use Blockchain Technology

This week, Russian Post has announced it intends to use blockchain technology for shipment tracking.

Emercoin Provided Details as to Their Blockchain Engine Platform

A few days ago, Emer Group has announced its own platform for app development dubbed Blockchain Engine. Its main distinction from other existing platforms is said to be in the fact that it provides readily operational services for e-businesses and network security. This could give Blockchain Engine an edge over some other projects, whose developers […]
