Emin Gün Sirer, associate professor of computer science at Cornell University and an early proponent of Bitcoin, is known as the creator of several important scaling solutions, including Bitcoin-NG.
Emin Gün Sirer, associate professor of computer science at Cornell University and an early proponent of Bitcoin, is known as the creator of several important scaling solutions, including Bitcoin-NG.
In our recent feature, we discussed the problem of full nodes in the Bitcoin network, and more likely, why running them may be expensive to a user but grants him or her no monetary reward.
Thursday, May 2, saw the official release of Bitcoin Core 0.18.0, the 18th generation of Bitcoin’s original and most popular software client. Overseen by Bitcoin Core lead maintainer Wladimir van der Laan, this latest major release was developed over a span of about six months, by over a hundred contributors, Bitcoin Magazine reports.
The next release of the Bitcoin Core code (v.0.18.0) will have an important new feature that many users have been waiting for. As reported by CoinDesk, it will allow users with hardware wallets to connect to full nodes.
What is the nature of privacy? Is it our basic right or a privilege? If it is our fundamental freedom, do we have to fight for it? That is the question. Most people prefer easy options to avoid such crucial fights. For years it was only cypherpunks who have tried to develop technologies which could […]
Bitcoin Core 0.16.1, a new minor version including new features and performance improvements, has been officially released, according to an announcement made on Friday, June 15.
Bitcoin Core developers have announced they activated CSV soft fork, which incluides BIP68, BIP113, and BIP112.
Bitcoin scalability debate gained steam as 8btc.com published details of the Bitcoin Classic implementation proposal discussed by miners of China.
If a child from a crypto-maximalist family behaves like a moron, parents probably tell him or her that there’s a centralization hiding under the bed. If they have a farm, there’s a dummy centralization scaring crows away. Maybe they even call people they don’t like that name. All in all, that’s the thing bitcoiners wish […]
Bitcoin Core developers have announced they release the new version of Bitcoin network client numbered 0.12.1. The release features a new mechanism of soft-fork deployment BIP9, which in turn activates proposals BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113. More About the BIPs BIP68 allows miners to prohibit a transaction until a specified moment in time or until the transaction […]
The notorious block size debate is about to gain yet another dimension following the release of a “road map” conceptualized by Bitcoin Core developer Gregory Maxwell.