June 6, the management board of Blockchain.community elected Artem Tolkachev as its chairman instead of Alex Fork.
 June 6, the management board of Blockchain.community elected Artem Tolkachev as its chairman instead of Alex Fork.
21 April 2016 became an important day for Belarus. At the instigation of Valery Litvin, one of Cyber.Fund’s developers and bitcoin enthusiast, the country’s first-ever Bitcoin & Blockchain Meetup Minsk was held. The event saw in excess of 100 attendees with only 60 reserved seats, which had confirmed the issue was of importance for residents […]
Leader of Russian Blockchain.community and founder of fintech accelerator Alex Fork has registered Bitcoin as a trademark. As PLUSworld.ru reported, Bitcoin’s certificate of the trademark is numbered 552645. It is owned by Bitcoin LLC founded by Alex Fork. According to Fork himself, the patent expires on December 30, 2023. However, he said he wants to […]