Russia Plans to Become a Blockchain Leader by 2035

News and Analysis

According to Russian news agency TASS, the country’s authorities are planning to propel Russia to the top of technologically advanced nations. For that purpose, they created National Technological Initiative focused on long-term strategy of technological advancement.

According to the initiative’s whitepaper, Russia’s expenses related to science and technology shall comprise 4% of its GDP by 2035, while revenues of technology-related companies from Russia shall comprise at least 1% of the worldwide turnover. Russia is set to join Top-5 of countries with the most highly rated professionals in research and development.

The document mentions blockchain technology on numerous occasions. According to the publication, Sberbank of Russia and payments processor QIWI are the main lobbyists of the technology in the country. Still, the NTI believes, the number of local blockchain companies and institutions will dramatically increase in near future.

Additionally, the NKI will focus on Big Data, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, new and portable power sources, new production technologies, sensors and robots, wireless technologies, neurotechnologies, virtual and augmented reality technologies, and more.

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