Quiz: Which cryptocurrency you are?


Learn which cryptocurrency resembles you best — take part in New Year’s quiz from Forklog editorial team!

Question 1/8

You are accused of being an anonymous currency, that you help criminals deal on black markets and terrorists to finance their operations. What’s your reaction:

Question 2/8

What do you think about your creator?

Question 3/8

Describe your community. Who are all those people?

Question 4/8

Your price has been unstoppable in its fall for months. Journalists claim you’re dead every single day. How do you plead?

Question 5/8

What do you do in your spare time?

Question 6/8

How often do they proclaim you usless? What do you think about it?

Question 7/8

Do you have plans for January 1, 2016?

Question 8/8

What would you say to your haters?

BitcoinYou are Bitcoin, the great ancestor of all cryptocurrencies. Your community is enorous. You looked death in the face for dozens of time. Your creater is a genius of hoax.

LitecoinYou’re Litecoin, the second most popular cryptocurrency. People tend to undeservedly forget about you. However, your true fans know for sure that the full Moon is about to rise any moment now!
DogecoinWow! Grats! You are Dogecoin, the merriest and the most light-hearted cryptocurrency ever! Nothing can trouble you! Not even fall in prices or a runaway creator! Wow!

EthereumYou must be Ethereum, a brainchild of a young Canadian genius. You experienced lots of problems including postponed releases and foundation bankruptcy. However, you managed to remain in the list of the most promising crypto-projects!

DASHYou are the artist formerly known as Darkcoin. Some call you the thing that Bitcoin failed to become. You grant everyone anonymity, instantaneousness of transactions, and confidence in the future.

Futile forkIt seems you’re a futile fork. Most probably your creator is a miserable impostor. Don’t get upset, you still had your 15 minutes in the sun.

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