Pornolab Creates a Mirror in EmerCoin’s Decentralized Domain Zone

News and Analysis

Pornolab, one of the biggest adult torrent trackers in post-Soviet states, has created a mirror to bypass the ban of the main domain. has been blocked in Russia on November 7th. The website’s administration warned users of the forthcoming ban as early as on November 3rd. They noted that Roskomnadzor has sent a letter demanding that illegal information be removed.

Now the file exchange’s forum reads an announcement of opening a domain in alternate zone of *.lib established on the base of EmerCoin blockchain. Therein one might find instructions to use emcDNS.

Alternate domain of *.lib is one of four root zones of a blockchain based decentralized DNS network. Currently, there are following zones supported by the system:

*.coin: everything related to coins and commerce;
*.emc: resources dedicated to EmerCoin;
*.lib: derivative from both ‘library’ and ‘liberty’;
*.bazar: various sell/buy services.

EmerCoin’s decentralized DNS network was launched two years ago, in November 2014. The project decided to create such services because owners have no rights in DNS networks, while providers may terminate websites upon demands by authorities or other entities.

Russian authorities have already used the centralized nature of DNS networks to ban LinkedIn, online library Flibusta, Pornolab and PornHub, as well as LocalBitcoins.

Lawyers from RosKomSvoboda, an NPO focused on challenging such rulings, intend to file an appeal as to such bans, including They have filed and submitted appeals as to illicit rulings violating substantial and procedural regulations.

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