Ethereum Venture Company Releases its Flagship Blockchain Suite

News and Analysis

A venture company founded by some prominent figures of the Ethereum realm, Ethcore, has announced it releases a blockchain suite dubbed Parity. Parity, according to the company, is its flagship implementation of blockchain compatible with Ethereum.

The product is written in Rust language, Ethcore’s co-founder Dr. Gavin Wood stated.

According to him, Parity in fact is a Ethereum-compatible client built from the scratch. Its possible implementations cover the Internet of Things and enterprise operations.

“Ethcore will be working with trail-blazing startups and global industry leaders alike to help unleash the immense potential of the Ethereum protocol throughout key verticals such as energy, IoT, finance and asset-tracking,” Wood said.

“Parity is the first in a series of scheduled releases which will, over the course of 2016, usher in various optimizations and functionality to make the Ethereum protocol more relevant to both IoT and enterprise,” he added.

The company’s founders inlcude Wood himself, who co-designed the Ethereum protocol and invented the Solidity language; Dr. Jutta Steiner, working at Ethereum as a chief security manager; Dr. Aeron Buchanan, Ethereum’s head of operations; and Kenneth Kappler, CEO at OxLegal and communications manager at Ethereum.

Ethereum continues its expansion. Currently, its native token Ether has the second market cap, with only Bitcoin prevailing. The price surge has been supplemented by recent news from Canonical, the sponsor of the Ubuntu OS, who has announced partnership with two Ethereum companies, ConsenSys and BlockApps.

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