DECENT Finalizes its Decentralized Content Distribution Platform


Europe-based blockchain startup DECENT announced it had finalized the prototype version of eponymous blockchain-based distribution platform. The startup’s offering is presented as a platform capable of disrupting current content distribution mechanisms.

Development of DECENT was announced in the course of Blockchain Incredible Party conference back in July 2015, Odessa.

Back in 2015, the project’s founders, Matej Boda and Matej Michalko described the startup as follows:

“It is an independent web 3.0 platform for creative people that allows borderless publishing of any text, picture, video or music content. Decent is acting as a resourceful and independent unit. It allows information sharing without any boundaries or restrictions. The platform is dedicated to the freedom of speech. It is served by the P2P network and secured by cryptographic and blockchain technology. Decent makes the information sharing easy and protected. No third parties can control or influence the content.”

The finalized version of DECENT is an open-source protocol for app developers. According to the press release, the platform allows for various applications, including:

  • Medium-like blogging and publishing
  • Soundcloud-like music publishing
  • Amazon-like e-book publishing
  • Software sale
  • Shutterstock-like photo sharing
  • Electronic newspaper publishing
  • Cost-effective academic paper publishing
  • Video streaming
  • Audio streaming

The platform allows the originator to subdivide their content into public and encrypted part. In order to distribute the content, its author has to specify the number of piblishers, which act similarly to miners in bitcoin ecosystem, and share it as a torrent file with the publishers. The content consumers, on their part, have to block a required amount in the platform’s native tokens, DCT, to gain access thereto via the private key. Then, after the promise to pay is made, the consumer may download the content. Notably, the whole amount is payable to the author.

Blockchain technology is used to secure the transactions within the network. Decent employs bitcoin’s blockchain with several added features, with the content distributed off-chain. According to the press release, Decent protocol employs six basic types of transactions:

  • ready_to_publish
  • content_submit
  • proof_of_custody
  • request_to_buy
  • deliver_keys
  • leave_rating

As one might assume from the last item on the previous list, the platform also employs a rating system acting as a “lifetime reputation”, as the press release puts it.

“When the author uses the same ID for every content upload, its rating will become permanently connected to him. The content consumers (readers, viewers, listeners etc.) rate the content in two ways. Firstly, they express their interest when buying the content and therefore recommending it. Secondly, after purchase, they leave rating for the content itself. This data are used for creating the recommended content for other users, while the process combines their personal interests and popularity of the author or the content,” the release reads.

The developing team also posted a video on YouTube to describe and demonstrate the current features of their platform:

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