Blockchain4Humanity Awards for Social Applications to be Unveiled at Labitconf Conference 2018

News and Analysis

Blockchain4Humanity, Blockchain4Goodrocks, Bitcoin ONG Argentina and RSK are teaming up to create a safe environment for projects to innovate and bring solutions that contribute to a positive change in the world

Social Impact projects restore trust in the Blockchain technology’s potential to significantly change the way we interact with each other and the world around us.

While relying on the vision that someday the inequality gap will be minimized, that business models bringing positive change in people’s lives will be created, and that an inclusive economy will flourish, the reality is that social impact projects are few and sporadic.

Last year, the Blockchain4Humanity Awards were born at the renowned South-American Bitcoin Conference: Labitconf. Impulsed by RSK and Bitcoin Argentina, it was decided to support the teams using Blockchain technology to shape a better world. B4H gives them the opportunity to accelerate their ideas and concepts, and bring us closer to this ideal world.

B4H seeks strong teams that can make a good use of blockchain for social good, certain that the results are groundbreaking. For example, the 2017 Blockchain4Humanity Awards unveiled the awesome work of EthicHub platform, which makes lending accessible to thousands of coffee producers while increasing returns to lender. Modeling high social impact while offering an attractive return to the platform participants, EthicHub is an example of projects that B4H wishes to accelerate and support the mainstream adoption.

The whole B4H family is excited to start the call for applications and encourage great projects to come forward for the Blockchain4Humanity Awards, that will be presented by NGO Bitcoin Argentina and RSK in December 2018 at Labitconf in Santiago de Chile.

After last year’s awards were released, the Blockchain4Humanity team, collaborators and partners made 2018 the year of defining and exploring all possibilities to create a pro-bono accelerator that injects the necessary components to promising projects. Now with a strong network of partners, and the joining of Temco Labs, the awards and the whole initiative receive a strong impulse in this second edition.

Next wave of promising projects is coming as applications are now open via a simple online form at until the 15th November.

Selected projects will be onboarded on the B4H Decentralized Altruistic Community (DAC) on the Giveth platform where donations will be channelled to the various milestones of the projects. The B4H DAC will ensure projects will be coached and mentored on all aspects that lead to the healthy delivery of a product.

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