Bitcoin Rally Continues: Price Tops $900

News and Analysis

The incredible rally of bitcoin price continued overnight into Friday. As of 5.00 UTC, the first cryptocurrency’s weighted average exchange rate has surpassed the $900 mark.

The peak value at Bitstamp comprised $913,41, $914 at Bitfinex, while BTC-e, an exchange popular amongst Russian-speaking traders, still offers obviously conservative price of $888.

At Chinese exchanges, the price has even exceeded $920.


As reported by ForkLog, yesterday Bitcoin has surpassed the $850 mark.

Thus, over the last 24 hours, bitcoin price has grown by 6.5%, while over the past seven days the growth comprised around 17%.

The first cryptocurrency’s market cap has renewed its historical record reaching $14,621 billion.

The biggest transaction volumes are still registered at BitMex ($35,527 million), Bitfinex ($19,719 million), xBTCe ($14,570 million), and Bitstamp ($13,866 million).

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