Bitcoin Core Version 0.16.1 Released

News and Analysis

Bitcoin Core 0.16.1, a new minor version including new features and performance improvements, has been officially released, according to an announcement made on Friday, June 15.

“This is a new minor version release, with various bugfixes as well as updated translations”, the official announcement reads.

The latest Bitcoin Core version also removed miner block size recalling the deprecation of the “-blockmaxsize” option for miners to limit their blocks’ sizes in version 0.15.1. Miners now should apply “-blockmaxweight” option if they want to limit the weight of their blocks.

Additionally, the upgrade affected wallets which were created in 0.16 and later.

“Wallets created in 0.16 and later are not compatible with versions prior to 0.16 and will not work if you try to use newly created wallets in older versions. Existing wallets that were created with older versions are not affected by this,” the release says.

The previous Bitcoin Core client version was released February 2018, and provided full support for Segregated Witness (SegWit) technology.

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