Kyrgyzstan’s News Agency Offers Bitcoin Wages

News and Analysis

Kyrgyzstan’s subdivision of international news agency Sputnik is willing to join the bitcoin community and pay bitcoin wages to its employees.

Recently the agency published a long form piece describing advantages of bitcoin transactions over those traditional in detail. This is a burning issue for Kyrgyzstan citizens as many of them have to work abroad to make a living.

Kyrgyzstan is a former Soviet republic in Central Asia, known for its poor economy. Its GDP depends on international transactions from abroad sent by people who left for wealthier countries seeking for a job.
Apart from describing purely financial benefits in terms of transaction fees, the article also contains a surprising offer of drawing salaries in cryptocurrency.

“As an experiment, Sputnik might pay wages in bitcoins as an option. That’s right, you have to start right now to ride high in the saddle in 5 to 10 years,” states the material.

The text also draws an analogy with the dawn of the internet in the 1990’s, when in the city of Bishkek (capital of Kyrgyzstan) there had been a commercial service of checking one’s e-mail.

“It happened exactly because back then it seemed so complicated that only tech-savvy people could handle the matter. Now it takes pushing a single button on your phone.

“Bitcoin walks the same road now. In order to start using the currency, you will need to ask for assistance from a person already knowing the technology at least once. In a situation when there’s nobody capable of doing it around, switching to bitcoin is an option for daring and tech-savvy people only,” reads the article.

Bitcoin community of Kyrgyzstan may be very small, but there still are some people actively using and promoting the idea of digital currencies. They could assist in maintaining mainstream adoption of bitcoin in Kyrgyzstan.

“How bitcoin exchanges could emerge across our country? That’s easy. If there is a strenous computer geek in your village, he will be the first one to launch such exchange,” the text reads.

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